Next Action

The Next Action window allows you to

  • Customize the actions performed by pdfMachine after the creation of a PDF

Next Action

These options allow you to customize what actions pdfMachine takes after it creates a PDF.

Next Action Controls what happens after the PDF file has been generated.

Valid Values Action
Launch pdfMachine viewer Default behaviour. Launches the pdfMachine viewer.
No next action Do nothing. No next action takes place. No user interface will be displayed.
Launch default PDF viewer Launch the default PDF file viewer. (usually Acrobat reader)
Execute the command line Execute the command line that is defined by the "Exec Cmd." value. This command is executed after the PDF file has been created.
Launch default mail client with attached PDF Launches the default MAPI email client with the PDF file as an attachment. If there are values in "Email Subject" and "Email Body" they are populated in the email client.
Show 'Save As' window Pops open the standard "Save As" window.
OCR then Show 'Save As' Window Performs an OCR on the PDF and then pop the 'Save As' window to save the PDF.
Exec. Command When "NextAction" is equal to "Execute the command line", this is the command that is executed.

The command may contain a string such as "%s" which will be substituted with the full path of the generated PDF file.
e.g. ExecCmd = c:\winnt\notepad.exe "%s" This would launch the notepad.exe program upon completion of file generation. The notepad program would open the PDF file.