Download pdfMachine merge

Download pdfMachine merge

release date: 25 June 2024
build: 2.0.8942.19442


  • Windows 7 or greater
  • To use templates or data sources originating from Microsoft Office documents you need Microsoft Office :  2013 / 2016 / 365, 32 bit or 64 bit

Free Trial

If you have not purchased pdfMachine merge you can still use it in trial mode. Until registered a "produced by pdfMachine merge" message will appear in the body of sent emails and as a banner in any produced PDFs.

Release Notes

2.0.8942.19442 - 25 June 2024

  • Changed the way selection for google sheets works to require less permissive scopes on google drive (new google requirement).

2.0.8873.22012 - 18 April 2024

  • Stop attaching files when upload is chosen (Outlook/Extended MAPI) .
  • Fix update of email body on change tab

2.0.8852.19342 - 27 March 2024

  • Wait to allow Outlook Online authorisation window to open.
  • Fix Base64 Encoding on filename attachment

2.0.8712.25619 - 8 November 2023

  • Fixed registration issue with umlauts.
  • Fixed XLSX as merge template attachment issue, not handling embedded ‘~.vml.rels’ files resulting in ‘zipper_getXML_length’ errors in log.
  • Fixed object not found error when no saved directory had been associated and associate with profile checked

2.0.8601.25257 - 21 July 2023

  • Fixed problem with html stationery not working with latest chrome/edge updates.

2.0.8487.20754 - 28 March 2023

  • Fix ‘error calling node to generate PDF’ issues, that occur with latest google chrome / edge updates (again!). .

2.0.8466.20335 - 7 March 2023

  • Fix ‘error calling node to generate PDF’ issues, that occur with latest google chrome / edge updates.
  • Language translations for german, spanish, french, danish, italian, portuguese, polish.
  • PDF templates that are not found are not fatal errors.
  • Apostrophes in merge fields for PDF template names now work.
  • SMTP body tag inserted.
  • Browser links open on new page.

2.0.8360.30518 - 21 November 2022

Fixed issue with long filename attachments in emails that were not displaying correctly in gmail. Problem only occured sometimes with long filenames made up of multibyte utf8 characters.

2.0.8340.14961 - 1 November 2022

  • Improved error handling when illegal characters present in file paths.
  • Importing older profiles without SMS data now works.
  • Tidy up of main kebab menu.
  • License details button now shows correct information.
  • Simplified profile tabs, hiding SMS, Chart, rows to emails tabs by default.

2.0.8249.19794 - 2 August 2022

  • Change of licensing - pdfMachine merge product codes are now a thing, newly generated pdfMachine ultimate codes will no longer work for pdfMachine merge. Old ultimate codes issued before 3 August 2022 that have up to date version protection will still work.

2.0.8243.18408 - 27 July 2022

  • Added split & parse feature.
  • Added money_as_words filter.
  • Fixed issue where illegal characters were appearing in filenames generated from merge fields.
  • Fixed lockup issue if an error occurred retrieving data on the profile data tab.

2.0.8229.17974 - 13 July 2022

  • Fixed ‘zipper_getXML_Length failed’ error.
  • Fixed issue with exporting profiles.

2.0.8221.27718 - 5 July 2022

  • Added SMS sending support using plivo.
  • Can now run multiple instances on the one machine (as long as they are under different user accounts).

2.0.8060.28481 - 25 January 2022

  • Implementation of custom liquid “chart” tag.
  • Fixed issue where numeric liquid expressions would not work properly on data loaded from excel sheets.

2.0.7998.29633 - 18 January 2022

  • Implementation of custom liquid “word_table” tag.
  • Implementation of custom liquid “group_by” filter.
  • Support for -%} on end of tags in Word for deleting paragraphs with liquid tags in them.

2.0.7998.29633 - 11 January 2022

  • Outlook Online - invalid grant no longer occurs.
  • Outlook Online - merge history saved.
  • Outlook Online - Does not fail when SMTP From set.

2.0.7998.29633 - 13 December 2021

  • Fixed - Under certain circumstances slow machines using ‘each row sends an attachment’ sent 2 emails.
  • Updated node.exe to 32 bit version.
  • sign_here filter timestamp is optional.

2.0.7998.29633 - 24 November 2021

2.0.7992.31594 - 19 November 2021

  • Liquid filter “insert_image” to insert images into Word templates.
  • Liquid filter “barcode” to insert barcodes into Word templates.
  • Multiple attachments in an email which are named with the same name managed correctly.
  • Conditional attachments in an email which are named with the same name managed correctly.
  • insert_image and barcode filters support a hyperlink.
  • Display message for unsupported template types eg, .doc is not supported must be .docx.
  • Liquid filter “sign_here” for capturing signatures.

2.0.7971.25050 - 28 October 2021

  • Conditional dynamic attachments.
  • Allows the use of Microsoft Outlook Online as an email send method.
  • Google-api crash fixed, when using Gmail API and an invalid email address.
  • Don’t retry the email error if an unrecoverable error occurs (eg unauthorized).

2.0.7942.19235 - 29 September 2021

  • Installation provides option to turn off ‘Weekly Update for new version’.
  • Better error handling if the user does not have permission for save directory.
  • Detect merge fields in Word Quick Parts.
  • Merge continues unless it gets 5 consecutive failed emails.
  • Fonts are loaded locally instead of over internet.
  • The repeat_par tag in HTML works on p elements as well as div and li elements.

2.0.7869.31691 - 18 July 2021

  • Correct attachments for multi row attachments
  • No longer reliant on chrome or chromium being installed
  • Minimum requirement is now .NET 4.7.2, users will be prompted to install (as part of setup) if a suitable version of .NET is not found.
  • Fixed - HTML attachment templates not converting to PDF unless pdfMachine merge run in admin mode.
  • Fixed - Extended MAPI emailing on systems that used 64 bit Outlook - on some systems this did not work, depending on the way things were installed.
  • Fixed - Dynamic PDF attachments with a filter in the merge field error with ‘illegal characters in path’
  • Fixed - Emails containing uploaded images that have been resized did not view properly in MS Outlook.
  • Title metadata in PDF document corrected to be file name
  • Occasional “Could not find” error during merge with security set
  • CSV encoding fixed when carriage return in google drive sheet cell

2.0.7805.15824 - 15 May 2021

  • Added spam testing button - uses SpamAssassin.
  • Aadded email templates.
  • Fixed google sheeet downloading to handle CR LF in values.
  • Fixed multi threaded stability issue with some data sets, causing corrupt Office docs.

2.0.7786.26503 - 26 April 2021

  • Fixed logfile encoding issue.
  • Error handling improvements.

2.0.7768.32670 - 13 April 2021

  • Speed enhancement. Generating documents, PDFs and emailing happens in parallel.
  • “Each row appends to pages” no longer fails with “the filename or extension is too long”
  • “Each row appends to pages” names the file correctly during a generate documents only merge run
  • Stationery on HTML files initializes margins

2.0.7719.26403 - 18 Feb 2021

  • New email body editor (jodit), allowing image uploads to Broadgun server. Note uploaded images may be deleted after a few months.

2.0.7710.20419 - 9 Feb 2021

  • setstationary.exe digitally signed.
  • Stationery fixed for example profile.

2.0.7693.28147 - 25 Jan 2021

  • zipper_getFileList on a Word file that unzips folders as well as files.
  • Allow the save documents folder to be associated with the merge profile.
  • Merge fields with new lines work fixed for opening results as CSV.
  • Merge fields with error on google drive upload now open as CSV.

2.0.7656.31278 - 18 Dec 2020

  • Improved logging of exceptions from google api.
  • Uploaded links in Excel version of merge run results fixed.
  • ‘Remove format’ button available in the email body editor.
  • Try again when PowerPoint is busy.
  • Improved error message when SMTP server needs an SMTP From address.

2.0.7628.22725 - 19 Nov 2020

  • List-Unsubscribe headers supported for Gmail API and SMTP emails.
  • Gmail Bcc works.

2.0.7612.28318 - 03 Nov 2020

  • Links for dynamically generated files which are uploaded instead of attached are shown in Merge Run Results (including Excel sheet of results).
  • Excel times can be formatted using date filter for time only eg {{meeting_time | date : “h:mmtt”}}}.

2.0.7606.28984 - 28 Oct 2020

  • Exporting profiles with static attachments that use merge fields and a filter to define the path doesn’t fail.
  • Sending profiles with static attachments that use merge fields to define the path doesn’t fail.
  • Saved documents where the file name is not unique no longer loses the first file.

2.0.7565.31446 - 17 Sep 2020

  • Increased wait time for large PowerPoint files on slow PCs.
  • pdfMachine merge exits gracefully when PowerPoint doesn’t respond.
  • Changed separator between statically attached files to be a |symbol.
  • Log files to roll at 5MB. - 28 July 2020

  • Corrected chrome-remote-interface issue “no inspectable targets”.
  • Import / Export profile handles Stationery.
  • Import / Export profile handles duplicate file names.
  • Fixed Export when a template with no file name is present.
  • Loading message no longer stuck on google sheets data source.
  • Failure to load data source no longer still displays old data source.

2.0.7458.29762 - 2 June 2020

  • Prevents hanging while converting very large Excel templates.

2.0.7457.28588 - 1 June 2020

  • Removed excess logging for CSV files.
  • Disable dynamic attachments that have an empty template and attachment name.
  • Remove Outlook accounts that are not in current Outlook profile.
  • Merge fields available in Body and drop downs before going to Data tab when selected by Current Profile.

2.0.7454.29860 - 29 May 2020

  • auto register from registration email works when pdfMachine merge only installed.

2.0.7446.31101 - 21 May 2020

  • CSV data sources with a single period in a cell no longer throw exceptions.
  • Privacy Policy in application interface.
  • Merge fields available in Body and drop downs before going to Data tab.
  • Attachment names with a period and no suffix now have correct name.
  • Upload to Google Drive works with the Gmail API.

2.0.7416.25010 - 21 Apr 2020

  • Static file names can have merge fields with commas in them.

2.0.7388.22640 - 24 Mar 2020

  • Registration can be performed directly into pdfMachine merge. Installation of pdfMachine optional.
  • Remove spell checker from email body editor.
  • Improved stamping performance for large documents.

2.0.7370.31719 - 9 Mar 2020

  • Users can now use Microsoft Word and Excel, and pdfMachine while the merge operation is running (unless bypassed).
  • Don’t allow “save to” folders to be drives which backup to cloud, eg oneDrive, Google Drive as the constant backing up caused issues.
  • Fixed Import / Export failures on empty body, missing data source.
  • zipper_getFileList fails -2 error fixed.
  • < and> symbols work in if statements for Office documents.

2.0.7353.26803 - 18 Feb 2020

  • Object reference not set to an object upon send.
  • Any Worksheet in Excel data source can be selected (not just the first worksheet) .
  • Test send for ‘Each row sends an attachment’ for All Emails corrected to send the correct number of emails.
  • Error message when a filter is used in a merge field in the file name for the dynamic and static attachment
  • Clicking outside Google Sheets select box cancels select operation.

2.0.7312.19844 - 8 Jan 2020

  • Ability to import / export profiles

2.0.7304.23625 - 31 Dec 2019

  • Old profiles hang on the data window.
  • Reload of small data sources hangs.
  • Selection of data now reset on load/reload of data source.

2.0.7277.27057 - 4 Dec 2019

  • Fixed password error when a % is in the password.
  • Status window shows error icon when if all rows are not successful.
  • Loading window displayed after selection of template and data source in case send is triggered too quickly.
  • Empty rows of data source filtered out
  • Error message displayed when invalid merge field used in password or stamp

2.0.7250.22083 - 7 Nov 2019

  • Added support for Gmail API for sending emails.
  • Fixed issue with ‘send random 5 emails’ where there was not enough rows.
  • Fixed ReplyTo address field not working in Outlook.

2.0.7230.16494 - 18 Oct 2019

  • Version 15.20 is a pre-requisite.
  • New red background color.
  • Support for repeat_par and repeat_row filters for Word documents.
  • Liquid flow control, i.e. ‘if’ and ‘for loops’ now works for Word documents.
  • Fixed a few UI issues that cause hangs with large data sets.
  • Duplicate column names are listed.
  • Email address mandatory live mode only.
  • Update to latest vuetify build.
  • Reduced the number of sample profiles installed
  • Fixed disappearing email bodies on install.
  • Fixed Command line mode generating adverts/banners when it should not have.
  • Fixed attachment names being encoded when they should not have been.

2.0.7203.26553 - 21 Sep 2019

  • Correction for stamping and security during an “Each row appends to attachment” merge run

2.0.7173.24331 - 22 Aug 2019

  • Body of email is copied during a copy operation
  • User is asked to confirm before running a live merge run.

2.0.7165.29860 - 14 Aug 2019

  • Password still set when ‘Each row appends to the PDF attachment’ used

  • More resilient handling of very large runs with Office templates including issues with last PowePoint template not closing.

  • Handles ‘Word could not open macro storage’ error.

  • Error message when email body is too large.

  • Fix changes in email body when click away too quickly.

  • Warns user when Office template references merge fields which are not in the data source.

  • Corrected ‘Index was out of range’ message when the merge fields were not in the first row.

  • Corrected initial document number calculation when using disabled attachments.

  • Corrected ‘EXDEV. cross-device link not permitted.’ error when save directory on different drive.

2.0.7129.26591 - 9 Jul 2019

  • character accepted in password for SMTP

  • New merge field filter ‘prepend_if’
  • Error message when data source is too large.
  • Correct behaviour for black text in stamp when security is applied.

2.0.6982.23121 - 12 Feb 2019

  • Added support for google sheets as data source.
  • Fixed issue where certain Word and Powerpoint files would create invalid documents after merge field replacement / substituion.
  • Fixed issue where ‘port in use’ error would occur.
  • Fixed issue of displaying ‘network error’ upon startup due to failue to load links file from

2.0.6961.28233 - 22 Jan 2019

  • Allows rename of email profile to allow circumstances where the email address is used with different passwords to represent different accounts.
  • Turns Word Read Mode Layout off so that Word doesn’t fail to respond.
  • Fixed issue where pdfMachine merge did not start and displayed ‘Could not find chrome / chromium session - exiting’ error.
  • Fixed issue after Office update where hyperlinks with merge fields (under images) are encoded incorrectly.

2.0.6949.37116 - 10 Jan 2019

  • Installer downloads latest Microsoft c runtime redistributables.
  • Fixed issue where under certain cirumstances pdfMachine merge thought it was unlicensed when it was not.
  • Fixed issue where pdfMachine merge did not start and displayed ‘Could not find chrome / chromium session - exiting’ error.

2.0.6869.27694 - 22 Oct 2018

  • Added stationery support for html -> pdf attachment conversions. First, Last, Odd, Even, All stationery types.
  • Added $page and $maxpage variables for use in HTML stationery.
  • Added {%repeat%} tag for html templates.
  • Added liquid filters insert_br, insert_p, insert_nbsp for conditionally inserting html tags.
  • Simplified PDF password security UI.
  • Fixed issue where excel and powerpoint processes may hang around after a merge.
  • Fixed merge profile file sync problem.
  • Improved some error messages.

2.0.6828.17260 - 11 Sep 2018

  • Fixed issue where some users who were not administrators could not start pdfMachine merge.
  • Fixed issue where pdfMachine merge would not run if MS Exchange was configured to prohibit Outlook object model from working properly.
  • Fixed Outlook email profiles not remembering ‘send emails per hour’ setting
  • Fixed issue where installing as admin then running as regular user or vica versa
  • Fixed issue where you had to enter email details for a profile that was just generated documents and not sending emails.

2.0.6808.26819 - 22 Aug 2018

  • The list of available Outlook accounts are now more realtime and not saved.

  • Fixed crash upon startup occurring due to chromium being partially installed.

  • Fixed ‘generate documents only’ not saving documents.

  • Fixed issue where multiple copies of test profiles existed.

  • Fixed issue where you needed to set a current mail profile even if only generating docs.

  • Fixed issue where PDF security settings were not being remembered when re-entering security dialog.

  • Fixed getSendAccounts() null pointer exception error.

2.0.6796.25341 - 10 Aug 2018

  • Complete new UI look.
  • Added enabled/disable checkbox on attachment list
  • An error is thrown if an Office document is in use (e.g. MS Word) and pdfMachine merge needs to use that Office program.
  • Other minor fixes.
  • Version 15.03 of pdfMachine is a prerequisite.
  • NOTE: this version is has a different data structure than previous 1.0.xxxx.xxxxx versions.

1.0.6719.27484 - 25 May 2018

  • Ability to upload attachments to Google Drive and share using a shared link instead of attaching into the email.
  • Email Send Accounts now called Email Profiles in user interface.

1.0.6711.26040 - 17 May 2018

  • Removed Bare line feeds from SMTP emails.

1.0.6662.25005 - 15 May 2018

  • Accepts merge fields in hyperlinks on images in Word and PowerPoint templates.
  • New filter “uri_encode” which will encode the merge field as a URI component.
  • Password and stamp corrected for method “Each row creates an attachment”

1.0.6662.25005 - 29 Mar 2018

  • Fixed error when there is a newline in the content of a merge field that is used in either the template file name or the output file name.
  • Logs the last error before an SMTP reset occurs.

1.0.6591.31851 - 18 Jan 2018

  • Fixed error “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” that occurs for the first merge after pdfMachine installation.
  • PowerPoint templates now use the office addin to create the PDF by default.

1.0.6549.26174 - 7/Dec/2017

  • New feature : Select which Outlook email account to send from
  • New feature : Rows in the data source can append to each other to create a single PDF that is emailed
  • Fixed error “Value cannot be null. Parameter name: input”.

1.0.6526.25275 - 13/Nov/2017

  • New feature : Maximum number of emails per connection can be set for SMTP send method
  • Fixed PDF files with a template have security and stamps applied if set.
  • Remove error message when PDF files are selected as merge template.
  • Fixed issue where merge fields in the PowerPoint master slide were not merged with data from the data source.

1.0.6491.28286 - 4/Oct/2017

  • Fixed ‘object not referenced’ issue some customers were having as a result of previous release.

1.0.6479.31551 - 27/Sep/2017

  • New feature : PDF files can be have a stamp applied. Stamp can be configured for each generated PDF attachment. Stamp can contain merge fields.

1.0.6464.35350 - 12/Sep/2017

  • New feature : PDF files can be selected as a template. The template file name for PDF templates can use merge fields. Allows existing PDF files to be sent based on a merge field. Also allows existing PDF files to be encrypted with a password based on a merge field.
  • Fixed issue where upload attachment had display name with additional suffix.
  • Fixed issue where merge fields in the PowerPoint layout slide were not merged with data from the data source.

1.0.6435.30963 - 14/Aug/2017

  • Fixed issue where Outlook (extended MAPI) would fail to resolve name.
  • vc2010 redistributables are now bundled with installer.

1.0.6417.32564 - 21/July/2017

  • ColumnPicker not found, Javascript error fixed
  • Office 2013 and 2016 32 bit, cc emails send.
  • Word 2010 conversion of Word Mail Merge templates with large number of shapes no longer time out during conversion.
  • Error message corrected when an SMTP server required reset.
  • Fixed issue with crash message (“todo: ”) on some systems.
  • Added the ability to upload the file and share with a link in the email instead of an actual attachment.
  • Now needs VC2017 and vc2010 redistributables - auto downloads upon installation if not detected.
  • Outlook messages are sent from different process - stopping certain antivirus products killing pdfMachine Merge.

1.0.6185.23979 - 7/December/2016

  • Office 2016 32 bit, SubmitMessage failed 80040607 resolved.
  • Merge fields that are used for attachment names have invalid filename characters replaced with underscore.

1.0.6172.21752 - 24/November/2016

  • Windows 10, Office 2016 32 bit, background process doesn’t hang around anymore
  • Windows 10, Office 2016 32 bit, HTML emails corrected
  • If pdfMachine merge closed during while a merge process is running the merge is cancelled
  • Network paths used as a Saved Folder no longer result in File Not Found
  • Custom passwords allowed for attachments (combination of one or more merge fields and text)

1.0.6122.23475 - 5/October/2016

  • Liquid Templating Tags in the email body are unencoded
  • The Email bodies editor only allows Source mode for existing email bodies that have Liquid Templating tags in them
  • Static attachments can be obtained from merge fields using a semi-colon separated list
  • Static attachments from merge fields that result int blank are ignored instead of having a file not found error
  • Handles “D” precision specifiers for numbers
  • Installs the 2012 Visual Studio C++ redistributables if they are not present
  • A merge cannot be commenced if pdfMachine is open

1.0.6051.26499 - 26/July/2016

  • Improved error message when file name is too long for Word to handle.
  • pdfMachine merge stops losing spaces from Word templates.
  • ReplyTo works for Outlook 32 bit and 64 bit.
  • Doesn’t fail when attachment name is blank due to blank merge fields.
  • Improved error messages for Failed connection with Microsoft Office when Word cannot manage the OLE objects.
  • Additional example templates provided.

1.0.5955.31093 - 19/April/2016

From this version pdfMachine 14.89 or later is required to be installed

  • Improved error messages when Outlook is damaged or not responding .
  • Improved error messages when max email invalid.

1.0.5828.29418 - 18/December/2015

  • Running from the command line now uses default send account rather than last used send account.
  • Running from the command line works in Windows 10.
  • Allow Excel merge fields to have carriage returns.
  • Detect duplicate column names when it is just capitals that are different.

1.0.5682.38759 - 25/July/2015

  • Fixed problem where attached files overwritten when changing merge profiles.
  • Merge fields in shapes and headers inside Excel templates are now converted.
  • Throw error after creation attempt, rather than attachment attempt if PDF creation fails.
  • Report PDF in use during PDF creation.
  • Additional Test Profiles added
  • Corrected error handling if statically attached file is missing

1.0.5647.33887 - 18/June/2015

  • _ no longer displayed in long file names (when sent by SMTP).
  • Select columns for merge results.
  • Merge results open in Excel includes send result
  • New filter WordNewLine inserts a new line after a non-blank merge field. In Word only

1.0.5624.35579 - 27/May/2015

  • Multiple email accounts can be created.
  • Email accounts can be attached to a merge profile.
  • Javascript error on select rows fixed
  • Each row creates an attachment combined with multiple attachments in the profile creates correct attachments
  • Fixed error when missing right brace on last merge field
  • Fixed javascript error when returning to edit invalid merge profile
  • Prevent profiles having the same name
  • Attach files box grows and scrolls
  • Trim spaces around names and file names
  • Strip out extra attachments with blank filename eg when two semi-colons are entered ;;
  • Each row creates an attachment combined with multiple attachments no longer gets error with merge fields ending in numbers
  • Word Mail Merge fields within shapes are converted to pdfMachine merge format

1.0.5414.21150 - 28/Oct/2014

  • Fixed problem where Selected Emails doesn’t clear.
  • Fixed issue with BCC email addresses and white space.
  • Forced refresh of js files

1.0.5365.25259 - 9/Sep/2014

  • Added ‘each row creates an attachment’ functionality
  • Fixed up some error messages
  • Fixed issue with email address and white space.

1.0.5269.33945 - 5/June/2014

  • Increased functionality in email HTML editor
  • When bundling, column headings with spaces in them are catered for

1.0.5260.40197 - 27/May/2014

  • Fixes an error for browsers earlier than IE 9
  • Fixes an error where valid test email reports as invalid
  • Fixes javascript errors when selecting rows within the data source

1.0.5247.29670 - 14/May/2014

  • You can now select to send a subset of the merge data source (IE9 and greater only)
  • Generated PDF documents are only given a suffix when a duplicate exists
  • More validation of fields

1.0.5128.37316 - 16/Jan/2014

  • Corrects send error returned, with SMTP Send Method and blank entries used in CC or BCC field.
  • Ensures pdfMachine ultimate version correctly detected in European locale
  • Merge fields with a ‘.’ in the field name are replaced with an ‘_’ instead of failing

1.0.4854.26311 - 16/Apr/2013

  • Fixed issue with spreadsheets with empty cells.

1.0.4762.24216 * - 14/Jan/2013

Now supports x64 versions of Word and Excel.

1.0.4629.24438* - 3/Sep/2012

  • Allow incomplete merge profiles to be saved but not sent

  • Fixed

  • datetimenow implementation in office templates

  • Saved folder dialog to browse to last saved folder

  • Improved error message when error in data source

  • Removed missing white space from date in office templates

  • Merge run of one email now displayed fully

  • Easily reuse last merge profile

  • Fix inconsistency in which panel to go back to* Corrected error handling for status not 500

  • Fail, and log error, if cannot attach extra attachments to mail

1.0.4604.35176 - 9/August/2012

  • Stopped changing pdfMachine to default printer on XP with Word templates
  • Fixed problem where IE registry setting is missing
  • Allowed for variable items in subject line when bundling

1.0.4587.31387 - 23/July/2012

  • Added pause / resume when merging
  • Fixed duplicated attachments in emails *Removed animated background to free up memory and improve speed

1.0.4496.22439 - 27/May/2012

  • Fixed problem with currency formatter

1.0.4481.21261 - 8/Apr/2012

  • Now copes with empty columns and empty rows in Excel data sources

1.0.4442.25224 - 29/Feb/2012

  • Fixed memory leak

1.0.4435.26361 - 22/Feb/2012

  • Added custom Liquid filters  for “money_no_cents”  and “number_culture”.

1.0.4428.28918 - 15/Feb/2012

  • Added support for Liquid html templates.
  • Added support for partial Liquid templates in Word and PowerPoint.
  • Changed merge field marker from single curly brace to two curly braces. e.g.{email} now becomes {{email}}. This was done to be more consistent with Liquid templates.

1.0.4372.27397 - 21/Dec/2011

  • Fixed problem when normal converting Word merge documents to our format that occured when you had a large number of merge fields.
  • Added ‘check for updates’ link

1.0.4363.30930 - 12/Dec/2011

  • Added support for “bundle on email” sends
  • Added support for HTML templates
  • Fixed internationalization bug in CSV files.
  • Fixed crash when doing a merge after fresh pdfMachine install.

1.0.4358.19418 - 7/Dec/2011

  • various user interface improvements. 1/Dec/2011 1.0.4352.20204
  • first public beta release